Accredited Grading Assessors

These friendly folk are our efficient TGCSA Accredited Grading Assessors. Take some time and choose an Assessor in your area that will best suit you.

Roebendry Gangiah


Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West, Western Cape


Backpackers, MESE, Guest house, Bed and breakfast, Country House, Lodges, Hotels, Self catering, Game Lodges

I am Ruby Gangiah, an Accredited Assessor for the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa, based in Pretoria and Durban. My passion for Tourism & Hospitality has driven my career, and I am committed to ensuring memorable experiences for all. Education and professional development have been cornerstones of my journey. I hold qualifications as a medical nurse, farmer, interior decorator, beauty advisor, tourist guide, SAQA accredited trainer and assessor, and public officer and consultant in various tourism portfolios. In my role as a Grading Assessor with the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa, I conduct thorough assessments, gather extensive data, perform physical inspections, and provide valuable feedback to enhance the quality of tourism establishments. I have also contributed significantly to the industry through roles such as an Accredited Assessor of Learning Outcomes with the ETDP Seta, Registered Assessor for Tourist Guiding with THETA/CATHS Seta, Accredited SA Host Facilitator, Referee of Learning Material for Tourist Guiding, and as an adjudicator for the Lilizela and ETEYA Awards.